Hello, my name is Danielle and I have been studying biomechanics, movement and manual therapies for 33 years. My journey as a manual therapist started in college when I studied to become a massage therapist to get me through my degree.
I completed my studies as a Rolfer in Boulder Colorado , where I completed the first of 4 yoga teacher training programs. In 2000 I opened my first clinic in Calgary, dedicating my time and studies to helping people move and feel better. With the changing social climate I have adjusted my studio offerings to suit your needs as a customer. I offer Critical Alignment therapy, yoga for backs and advanced yoga classes in several locations. Please see contact page for more details.
Massage therapy is offered from my home in Sunalta Calgary Alberta. I believe in helping my clients become proactive in their recovery and physical well being. My massage clients find the best results when they also participate in my yoga and mobility classes or private sessions.
To participate in yoga for backs classes please see our schedule page.
- Bachelor of Kinesiology
- Diploma Athletic Therapy
- ERYT 500 Yoga Instructor
- PersonalTraining AFLCA
- Regsitered Massage Therapist
- Rolfing Certification
The Props
These are the props I suggest you purchase and use to help you with alignment, pain management and to ease chronic tension. It through your dedication to move and feel better that you will.

Critical Alignment Yoga props are classified as "Soft Props" or "Big Props".
Soft Props
- Black Spinal Strip
- Felt Pad
Big Props
- Back Bending Bench
- Head Standing Bench
- Shoulder Stand Block
Find more information about the props on the VIDEO PAGE>>
The props work to rebalance the body and improve postural alignment and movement quality because they:
- Act as an external framework to guide the body into better alignment. We use them to more precisely position the spine, hips and shoulders.
- Are made of specialized materials against which the body can relax and mobilize.
- Serve as a feedback system, helping you uncover and correct preference patterns in your movements and postures.
- Lengthen and traction the entire spinal column.
- Activate and retrain deep postural muscles.

Students are using the backbending bench in combination with the black spinal strip to open and mobilize the spinal vertebrae and optimize shoulder mobility.

Students are helped in using the headstanding and backbending benches, along with the black spinal strip to release tension in the neck, elongate and strengthen the spine, develop balance and improve postural control.